Home Registration

Inno4scale Dissemination Day: Reflecting on Achievements & Exploring Future Directions in Advancing HPC Algorithms


Please fill out the following form to register for the event. Completion of fields marked with an asterisk (*) is mandatory. If the data you supply are missing or incomplete, we will not be able to accept your registration.

All other data are optional, but may be used, for example, to issue a certificate of attendance (title), to facilitate easy contact (phone) or to track statistics (gender,institute/department in Personal Details).

The legal basis for data collection is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e) in connection with Art. 6 para. 3 GDPR in connection with ยง 4 LDSG BW.

Personal details

male     female     other
Academic Title 
First Name *
Last Name *
Email (Please use your official university or company address, even if you attend privately. If you only have access to a private email account, you must also supply your telephone number below for security reasons.) *
Name of university / public research institution / company, or enter "Private participation" *
Institute / Department
City of the university / public research institution / company or private residence (in case of "Private Participation") *
Country in which your university / public research institution / company is located, or if you are enrolling as a private participant, the country where you live *
Please let us know your food preferences (vegetarian, vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free) and/or allergies. 
* I accept the terms concerning registration, withdrawal and data protection.

I agree that photos including my person may be published on Social Media, the Inno4Scale website or within the scope of other project-related measures (e.g. press releases) *
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