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Home Location Registration

Natural Language Processing (2025/SCA-NLP)

Registration, Withdrawal and Data Protection


Following your successful registration, you will receive an invoice (if a registration fee is charged). After paying the invoice, you will not receive a receipt. If you require proof of payment (e.g., for reimbursement) please use a copy of the invoice together with your bank statement indicating the payment.
Each participant wishing to enter the HLRS building must identify themselves, otherwise access to the building and the courses will be denied.

Withdrawal / Cancellation

If you need to withdraw your registration for an event, please submit a request to HLRS by letter, fax (+49 711 685 87219) or email (training@hlrs.de). The date for your withdrawal shall be the date of receipt of your written withdrawal at HLRS.

If you withdraw from an event more than two weeks prior to the event, you will not be charged. For a later withdrawal, we will charge 60 % of the participant fee up to one week prior to the event. For a withdrawal shorter than one week prior to the event, but not later than 11am on the working day (Mo-Fr) before the course starts, we will charge 80% of the participant fee. For a withdrawal later than that, we will charge 100% of the participant fee. HLRS reserves the right to exclude academic participants from HLRS courses for one year if they do not attend courses for which they are registered without withdrawing their registration.

Registrants for an event may designate a substitute participant at any time and free of charge. The substitute will bear any fees for participation.

Please understand that we must reserve the right to cancel or change the format (e.g. to online) of an event due to low registration, the absence of a lecturer, force majeure, or similar causes. If cancellations or necessary changes of the program occur, we will make every effort to inform you as early as possible. If we have to cancel an event, we will refund your participant fees immediately. Additional claims against HLRS are not permitted, except for cases of willful intent or gross negligence.

For courses with special prerequisites, we reserve the right to check your professional suitability for this course and, if necessary, to cancel a previously granted course admission.

For registrations from countries that are not members of the EU or PRACE https://www.prace-ri.eu/members/ the following additional rules apply:
For online courses we reserve the right to cancel your participation up to two weeks before the course; in the case of a course fee, proof of payment must be sent unsolicited to training@hlrs.de at least one week before the start of the course.
In the case of classroom courses, we reserve the right to cancel your participation up to two weeks after registration;
In the case of a course fee, proof of payment must be sent unsolicited to training@hlrs.de at least two weeks before the start of the course.

Teaching and learning methods

The learning content of the self-study phases is taught via the ILIAS-Lernplattform Campus https://ilias3.uni-stuttgart.de. Internet access and a web browser are required for this. Access to the learning platform must be set up by the participants themselves.

The lecturers of the module have access to the learning activity of the participants via the learning platform for the purpose of supervision and learning success monitoring.

After the end of the module, participants have access to the materials on the learning platform for a further six months.

Completion, certificate, and confirmation of participation

Each module can be completed with a confirmation of participation or a certificate.

A qualified confirmation of participation is awarded if participants have completed all learning units of the module, regularly attended the virtual seminars and answered the learning tasks correctly. A certificate is awarded if the final examination of the module has been successfully completed.

Prerequisites for exam participation and retaking the exam

Qualified confirmation of participation is a prerequisite for taking the examination.

As a rule, participants have one week to complete the tasks and submit the solutions. The tasks must be handed in on time in order to receive a qualified confirmation of participation.

In the event of illness and with timely notification, the exam can be rescheduled in a timely manner on request. If you fail the exam, we offer the option of an oral re-examination on request for a fee.

Data protection

Video conferencing tools are used for online events. Registration in the conference system is done by entering "First name Last name (company)". This and active participation in the course are, among other things, prerequisites for the issue of a confirmation of participation at the end of the module. To protect your personal rights, you can also register with your initials or a freely chosen abbreviation instead of "First name Last name (company)". Please inform the course organization in advance so that your name can be assigned for the issue of the confirmation of participation.

If investigative measures are initiated because of attacks on the information technology systems of the University of Stuttgart, the data you submit may be forwarded to state investigative bodies. The same applies if appropriate authorities or courts address inquiries to the university and the university is obliged to comply with them.

The personal data identified above are stored according to budgetary or state law requirements for up to 10 years after course registration is processed (ยง 14 UstG or 4.1 AnO Schriftgut).

Additional information concerning data protection, in particular about your rights, can be found on the HLRS website at https://www.hlrs.de/privacy-notice.
