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Home Location Registration

Natural Language Processing (2025/SCA-NLP)


Please fill out the following form to complete your course registration and billing. Completion of fields marked with an asterisk (*) is mandatory. If the data you supply are missing or incomplete, we will not be able to accept your registration.

Due to export control regulations that are currently in effect, these requirements also include declaration of your citizenship as well as your work/research focus.

All other data are optional, but may be used, for example, to issue a certificate of attendance (title), to facilitate easy contact (phone, fax) or to track statistics (gender,institute/department in Personal Details).

The legal basis for data collection is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e) in connection with Art. 6 para. 3 GDPR in connection with § 4 LDSG BW.

Personal details

male     female     other
Academic Title 
First Name *
Last Name *
Citizenship (Indicate all you hold). Please contact us if you have none. *
Email (Please use your official university or company address, even if you attend or pay privately. If you only have access to a private email account, you must also supply your telephone number below for security reasons.) *
Name of university / public research institution / company, or enter "Private participation" *
Proof of affiliation with a university / public research institution must be provided no later than the day of the event (e.g., using your official university or company email address is a valid proof).
Institute / Department
City of the university / public research institution / company or private residence (in case of "Private Participation") *
Country in which your university / public research institution / company is located, or if you are enrolling as a private participant, the country where you live *

Intent of your work

Please indicate your research topic and the intent of your work: *
I hereby declare, that I do not intend to and will not use computers and software used in this event for research related to weapons of mass destruction, missile technology, nuclear technology, or for military purposes.
My research is relevant for or will be used for the purposes described above.

Newsletter, participation list, and conditions of participation

I grant permission to HLRS to use my email address to send me information regarding future events, that are (co-)performed or (co-)organized by HLRS. In addition I will have access to online course recordings of former and future courses, that are (co-)performed or (co-)organized by HLRS.
Refusal to consent to the above mentioned use(s) of your data will have no impact on your event registration. You can also revoke your consent at any time via email to training@hlrs.de.
* I accept the terms concerning registration, withdrawal and data protection and am aware that this is a hybrid course that will be streamed to online participants.

Participation type and course fee

The services are exempt from VAT according to § 4 No. 22 a UstG.
Please select your type of participation:*
40,0 Euro, because I am a student without master's degree or equivalent at a German university (your enrollment certificate must be sent unsolicited to training@hlrs.de)
40,0 Euro, because I am a student without master's degree or equivalent at a university in an EU, EU-associated or PRACE country other than Germany (your enrollment certificate must be sent unsolicited to training@hlrs.de)
40,0 Euro, because I am a student without master's degree or equivalent at a university outside of EU, EU-associated or PRACE countries (your enrollment certificate must be sent unsolicited to training@hlrs.de)
90,0 Euro, because I am a PhD student or employee at a German university or public research institute
180,0 Euro, because I am a PhD student or employee at a university or public research institute in an EU, EU-associated or PRACE country other than Germany
360,0 Euro, because I am a PhD student or employee at a university or public research institute outside of EU, EU-associated or PRACE countries
960,0 Euro, because I am a participant from a public service provider or government
960,0 Euro, because I am a participant from industry
960,0 Euro, because I do not belong to any of the groups above (e.g. private participation)
Billing address (Please make a selection if necessary)
Institution / Company *
Institute / Department *
Additional information if necessary
Street and house number/ P.O.Box *
Postal / Zip Code *
City *
Country *
VAT identification number: This information is mandatory for all foreign participants subject to taxation
Please fill in e.g. your internal billing number
Please press "next>>" to see a summary of your registration data together with the final submit button.